
All Subjects – M.Com First Semester 2023 – PDF Solutions

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  • University: IGNOU
  • Program Code: MCOM
  • Session: 2023
  • Subjects: All 4 Subjects of M.Com First Semester
    • MCO-01: Organisation Theory and Behaviour
    • MCO-04: Business Environment
    • MCO-05: Accounting for Managerial Decisions
    • MCO-021: Managerial Economics
  • Language: English
  • Type of Product: Virtual, Downloadable Soft Copy in PDF Format
  • Whether Handwritten? – NO
  • Valid for: June 2023 and December 2023 Term End Examination. For more details check description given below
  • Don’t forget to check question paper before placing your order.


Course Code : MCO-01
Course Title : Organisation Theory and Behaviour
Assignment Code : MCO-01/TMA/2023
Coverage : All Blocks
Maximum Marks : 100

Attempt all the questions.

Question 1. What do you mean by bureaucracy? Discuss its characteristics. (20) Do you think that bureaucracy enhances efficiency in the organisation. Give your arguments.

Question 2. (a) Explain process of perception. What are the factors those influence perception?

Question 2. (b) Discuss individual management strategies of stress. Do you think that they can reduce stress in the organisation? Discuss.

Question 3. Comment briefly on the following statements: (20)

a) Persuasion is a fact of modern life

b) Stress is moderated by anxiety and burnout.

c) Job design is a continuous process.

d) Culture is the social glue that helps hold the organisation together.

Question 4. Difference between the following: (20)

a) Classical and neo-classical theory of management

b) Classical conditioning and operant conditioning

c) Positive reinforcement and negative reinforcement.

d) Evolutionary and Revolutionary strategies of change

Question 5. Write short notes on the following: (20)

a) Resistance to Change

b) Work Related Attitudes

c) Group Cohesiveness

d) Barriers to Communication

Course Code : MCO-04
Course Title : Business Environment
Assignment Code : MCO-04/TMA/2023
Coverage : All Blocks
Maximum Marks : 100

Attempt all the questions.

Question 1. What do you understand by business environment? Discuss its importance for the business.

Question 2. How does socio-cultural environment affects business decision-making? Give a brief ketch of the nature of socio-cultural environment prevailing in India.

Question 3. What is an industrial license? Enumerate the circumstances under which it is necessary.

Question 4. Why is Indian economy regarded an underdeveloped economy? State its basic characteristics.

Question 5. Explain the concept of globalization as a national policy with particular references to the policy initiative taken by the Government of India since 1991.


Course Code : MCO-05
Course Title : Accounting for Managerial Decisions
Assignment Code : MCO-05/TMA/2023
Coverage : All Blocks
Maximum Marks : 100

Attempt all the questions.

Question 1. a) Costs may be classified according to their nature and characteristics. Explain. (10+10)

Question 1. b) State the conditions under which the income statement prepared with absorption costing and marginal costing will give different results.

Question 2. Distinguish between the following: (4X5)

a) Variable and Fixed costs

b) Differential costing and Marginal costing

c) CVP analysis and Breakeven analysis

d) Cash Budget and Master budget

Question 3. Following in the Trial Balance of a limited Company as at 31st December, 2021 (20)

Particulars Debit Credit
Share Capital 4,00,000
Cash in hand 6,200
Rent 5,300
Prepaid Expenses 4,600
Repairs & Maintenance 8,600
Advances from Customers 50,000
General Reserve 3,00,000
Raw Materials at Cost 2,67,000
Sundry Creditors 3,40,000
Plant and Machinery 4,30,000
Power 8,800
Travelling and Conveyance 4,100
Auditors’ Fees 1,500
Cash at Bank 8,000
Land 30,000
Provision for Taxation 2,10,000
Furniture 12,200
Staff advances 5,300
Sundry Debtors 1,40,000
Misc. Income 54,600
Finished Goods at cost 3,10,000
Income-tax Advances 3,00,000
Misc. Expenses 61,400
Raw Materials Consumption 28,60,000
Sales 42,30,000
Development Rebate Reserve 1,00,000
Building 74,100
Salaries, Wages &Bonus 11,60,000
Cash Credit from Bank 12,500
Total 56,97,100 56,97,100

The following additional information is also available:

  1. The authorized capital of the company is 80,000 equity shares of Rs. 10 each of which 50% has been issued and has been recommended by the directors.
  2. A dividend of 15% on the paid-up capital has been recommended by the directors.
  3. The closing stock of finished goods at cost is Rs. 5,60,000.
  4. The development rebate reserve is no longer required.
  5. Depreciation on plant and machinery amounting to Rs. 43,000 on furniture amounting to Rs. 1,300 and on building amounting to Rs. 3,800 has been debited to miscellaneous expenses.
  6. Surplus in profit and loss account after proposed dividends, is to be transferred to general reserve.
  7. Income-tax assessment for a prior year has been completed, fixing the income tax liability at Rs. 1,55,000 (against which a provision of Rs. 80,000 and advances of income tax of Rs. 70,000 exists in the books).

You are required to prepare:

  1. Profit and loss account for the year ended 31st December, 2004; and
  2. Balance sheet in the prescribed form as on that date.

Question 4. The Standard Cost of Chemical mixture ‘PQ’ is as follows: (20)

40% of material P @ Rs.400 per kg. 60% of material Q @ Rs.600 per kg.

A standard loss of 10% is normally anticipated in production.

The following particulars are available for the month of March, 2004.

180 kgs of material P have been used @ Rs.680 per kg

220 kgs of material Q have been used @ Rs.360 per kg.

The actual of production of ‘PQ’ was 369 kgs.

Calculate the following variances:

  1. Material Price Variance
  2. Material Usage Variance
  3. Material Mix Variance
  4. Material Yield Variance

Question 5. a) Explain how the variance analysis relating to overheads differ from that  relating to material and labour. (10+10)

Question 5. b) In what ways can we analyse sales variances. Explain in detail.


Course Code : MCO-021
Course Title : Managerial Economics
Assignment Code : MCO-021/TMA/2023
Coverage : All Blocks
Maximum Marks : 100

Attempt all the questions.

Question 1. Compare and contrast microeconomics with macroeconomics. How is managerial economics related to different disciplines? Elaborate.

Question 2. (a) ‘Managerial Economics serves as a link between traditional economics and decision sciences for business decision-making.’ Elucidate.

Question 2. (b) Which problems of an economy constitute the subject matter of microeconomics.

Question 3. (a) What do you mean by opportunity cost? Also explain the concept of the invisible hand.

Question 3. (b) What is bundling? Give examples. Do you think this is anti­-consumer?

Question 4. Suppose a small locality has a single grocery store selling multiple.

a. Is it a monopoly?

b. If yes, then give arguments in support of your answer.

Question 5. A TV company sells colour TV sets at Rs. 15,000 each. Its fixed costs are Rs. 30,000, and its average variable costs are Rs. 10,000 per unit. Find out BEP. Draw its breakeven graph, and then determine its breakeven rate of production.



These assignments are valid for two admission cycles (July 2023 and January 2023). Validity is given below:

1. Those who are enrolled in January 2023, it is valid upto June 2023 Term End Examination and you must submit assignment to the Coordinator of your study centre latest by 15th March 2023

2. Those who are enrolled in July 2023, it is valid upto December 2023 Term End Examination and you must submit assignment to the Coordinator of your study centre latest by 15th September 2023

NOTE: You can download your files for TWO times only. Kindly save your downloaded files properly.


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